
浙江大学宁波国际科创中心国际合作设计分院执行院长,浙江大学软件学院信息产品设计专业负责人,教育部计算机辅助产品创新设计工程研究中心副主任。2014年至2015年美国卡内基梅隆大学访问学者。IBM 2014访问学者项目获得者。是国际计算机学会(ACM)会员、国际设计管理协会(DMI)会员、国际产品开发与管理协会(PDMA)会员。专业研究领域有智能设计、人机交互、科技设计、工业设计、设计与产业政策、新产品开发、数字化艺术与设计。发表学术论文90多篇,其中在CHI、SIGGRAPH、CSCW、WWW、UIST等顶级学术会议上20余篇。承担并参与国家科技支撑计划项目课题4项,国家“863”自然科学基金项目2项、浙江省重大科技项目1项、浙江省科技计划项目2项。是工信部、财政部工业设计政策咨询项目专家。获得9项红点、13IF国际设计大奖。曾承担和指导飞利浦、海尔、卡西欧、现代汽车、诺基亚、公牛、骑客、奥普、玉立、金松、爱文等国内外著名企业的设计合作与研发项目。



1. 项目研究

1) 中胤设计营销交易平台开发项目

2) 海尔智慧家电模块化快速设计研究与应用

3) 产品外形设计的仿生计算研究

4) 智能家电产品通用模块化快速设计系统研究与应用

5) 新能源出行工具的产品创新与智能系统研发

6) 工业设计推进两化深度融合战略研究

7) 机器人用低成本全向视觉传感器及示范应用

8) 智能玩具产品通用模块化开发与设计系统研究

9) 动漫游戏在相关产业领域的集成应用与模式创新

10) 2013海尔白色家电产品创新设计项目

11) 荷兰飞利浦概念产品设计项目

12) 自平衡个人电动交通工具研究

13) 面向社区和家庭的残疾人康复产品研发及应用示范

14) CASIO面向23年后的20岁至30岁年轻一代的手表形象的设想设计项目

15) 动漫素材数字化获取技术与装置

16) 情景式跨媒体数字城市旅游系统

17) 公牛电器系列产品设计项目

18) 宝兰电器产品设计项目

19) APEC中小企业部长会议多媒体交互系统项目




1. Affective Stroking: Design Thermal Mid-Air Tactile for Assisting People in Stress Regulation. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(20):9494. (SCI IF:2.5)

2. E-Joint: Fabrication of Large-Scale Interactive Objects Assembled by 3D Printed Conductive Parts with Copper Plated Joints. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 37, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1145/3654777.3676398 (CCF A)

3. Theoretical analysis and design of roller mower straight blade. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 38, 3597–3606 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12206-024-0633-8 (SCI IF:1.5)

4. Aesthetics of Connectivity for Empowerment – Considerations and Challenges. In Companion Publication of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '24 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 438–440. https://doi.org/10.1145/3656156.3658379

5. KiPneu: Designing a Constructive Pneumatic Platform for Biomimicry Learning in STEAM Education. In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 441–458. https://doi.org/10.1145/3643834.3661828

6. See, Hear, Touch, Smell, and,...Eat!: Helping Children Self-Improve Their Food Literacy and Eating Behavior through a Tangible Multi-Sensory Puzzle Game. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 270–281. https://doi.org/10.1145/3628516.3655801 (Best Paper)

7. Exploring Perceptions of Children’s Learning Stress for Stress Management. In: Arai, K. (eds) Intelligent Computing. SAI 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 1016. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-62281-6_4

8. Enhancing computer image recognition with improved image algorithms. Sci Rep 14, 13709 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-64193-3

9. Magnet Haptic: Using Magnets and Conductive Ink to Self-fabricate Interactive VR Devices. In: Streitz, N.A., Konomi, S. (eds) Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14719. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-60012-8_28

10. HydroSkin: Rapid Prototyping On-Skin Interfaces via Low-Cost Hydrographic Printing. In Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 192, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1145/3613905.3651052

11. Intercircuit: Electroplating with Cavities for Fast Fabrication of Complex and High-Performance 3D Circuits. In Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 201, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1145/3613905.3651098

12. Rapid Fabrication of Haptic and Electric Input Interfaces using 4D Printed Origami. In Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 277, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1145/3613905.3651022

13. Object-centered family interactions for young autistic children: a diary study. Sci Rep 14, 5460 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-55177-4 (SCI IF:4.6)

14. Stress Management: A Study of Children’s Perceptions of Stress in Task Performance Context

15. Effect of Music Therapy on the Rehabilitation of Elderly People with Dementia

16. Electromyography Acquisition and Intervention in Healthcare for Older Adults: A HCI Scoping Review

17. Effects of Auditory Integration Training Combined with Music Therapy on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

18. Effects of Digital Art Emotional Expression Therapy on the Rehabilitation of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 11th International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies: Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications (IHIET-AI 2024). Lausanne, Switzerland. (EI)


19. Simulation of computer image recognition technology based on image feature extraction. Soft Computing, 2023, 27(14): 10167-10176. DOI10.1007/s00500-023-08246-1. (SCI IF:4.1)

20. Aesthetics and Empowerment. 22nd IFIP TC 14 International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC 2023). Bologna, Italy, 2023: 403-406. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-8248-6_38. (EI)

21. Research on the Influence of Object Recognition Based on Intelligent Algorithm on Staff's Anxiety. 22nd IFIP TC 14 International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC 2023). Bologna, Italy, 2023: 418-425. DOI:10.1007/978-981-99-8248-6_40. (EI)

22. Research and Practice of Hierarchical Painting-Based Digital Design Method. 22nd IFIP TC 14 International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC 2023). Bologna, Italy, 2023: 409-417. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-8248-6_39. (EI)

23. A Study on the Emotional Responses to Visual Art. 22nd IFIP TC 14 International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC 2023). Bologna, Italy, 2023: 450-460. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-8248-6_43. (EI)

24. Observe It, Draw It: Scaffolding Children's Observations of Plant Biodiversity with an Interactive Drawing Tool. 22ND ANNUAL ACM INTERACTION DESIGN AND CHILDREN CONFERENCE, IDC 2023. Chicago, IL, USA: 253-266. DOI: 10.1145/3585088.3589380. (CCF C)

25. MechCircuit: Augmenting Laser-Cut Objects with Integrated Electronics, Mechanical Structures and Magnets. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2023 CHI CONFERENCE ON HUMAN FACTORS IN COMPUTING SYSTEMS, CHI 2023. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 735, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1145/3544548.3581002 (CCF A)

26. MathKingdom: Teaching Children Mathematical Language Through Speaking at Home via a Voice-Guided Game. Proceedings of The 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors In Computing Systems, CHI 2023. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. DOI: 10.1145/3544548.3581043. (CCF A)

27. E-Reminder: A mindfulness-based interactive eating reminder device to improve emotional eating. Streitz, N.A., Konomi, S. (eds) Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions, HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14037. Springer, Cham: 456-469. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-34609-5_33 (EI)

28. Silent Delivery: Make Instant Delivery More Accessible for the DHH Delivery Workers through Sensory Substitution. Streitz, N.A., Konomi, S. (eds) Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions, HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14037. Springer, Cham: 362-379. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-34609-5_27 (EI)

29. Towards Personalized Instruction-Co-designing a Teacher-Centered Dashboard for Learning Engagement Analysis in Blended Learning Environments. Streitz, N.A., Konomi, S. (eds) Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions, HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14037. Springer, Cham: 563-574. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-34411-4_38 (EI)

30. StressButton: Using Connectivity of Everyday Objects for Children to Coping Learning Stress. 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2023). Affective and Pleasurable Design, Vol. 71, 2023: 179–187. DOI:10.54941/ahfe1003257. (EI)

31. AffectiveTree: Visualizing Collective Stress Amongst Chinese Telecommuters through Dynamic Painting. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2023). Nice, France: 458-468. http://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1004052 (EI)


32. A study of children’s learning and play using an underwater robot construction kit. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 2022: 1-20. (SCI IF:2.4)

33. StoryDrawer: A Child–AI Collaborative Drawing System to Support Children's Creative Visual Storytelling. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2022: 1-15. (CCF A)

34. PneuMesh: Pneumatic-driven Truss-based Shape Changing System. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2022: 1-12. (CCF A)

35. CamFi: An AI-driven and Camera-based System for Assisting Users in Finding Lost Objects in Multi-Person Scenarios. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2022: 1-7.  (CCF A)

36. SignFind: A Synchronized Sign Language and Chinese Character Teaching Game for Chinese Deaf Children Using Gesture Recognition. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing. 2022: 1-7.  (CCF A)

37. Pababy: An Interactive System for First-time Parents to Learn Neonatal Nursing. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2022: 1-7. (CCF A)

38. Menstrual Monster: A Tangible Interactive Co-educational Game Designed for Teenagers. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2022: 1-7. (CCF A)

39. MusicCollage: A Music Composition Tool for Children Based on Synesthesia and a Genetic Algorithm. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer, Cham, 2022:  205-216. (EI)

40. InterestPainter: A painting support tool to promote children's interest in painting. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer, Cham, 2022: 398-410. (EI)

41. Design with Caregivers: Enhancing Social Interaction for Children with Down Syndrome. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer, Cham, 2022: 442-452. (EI)



1) AirSaver,国际红点设计奖,2024

2) Cordy, 国际红点设计奖,2024

3) Cordy, 国际iF产品设计奖,2024

4) MechCircuit,国际红点设计奖,2023

5) CO2 Recorder, 迪拜国际设计周GGS奖,2022

6) Air Defender,荷兰设计周,2022

7) StoryDrawer,一个通过合作绘画支持儿童讲故事的Child-AI共创系统,第三届中国研究生人工智能创新大赛全国一等奖,2021 (中国学位与研究生教育学会、中国科协青少年科技中心主办)

8) 第三届中国研究生人工智能创新大赛,优秀指导教师,2021

9) 攀哒panda,国际用户体验创新大赛全国一等奖银奖&华为智慧生活创新奖,2021 (UXPA)

10) 荧救-基于社区的志愿者院前急救响应服务平台,国际用户体验创新大赛全国二等奖&最佳产品规划奖,2021 (UXPA)

11) 点滴出行,国际用户体验创新大赛全国二等奖&数字适老优胜奖,2021 (UXPA)

12) P-Planet-针对丧宠用户情绪疏导的一站式服务设计,国际用户体验创新大赛全国二等奖&2021 (UXPA)

13) iPet-面向养宠者的宠物习惯养成与护养指南一站式产品,国际用户体验创新大赛全国二等奖&最佳用户调研奖,2021 (UXPA)

14) ToLife, 迪拜国际设计周GGS奖,2021

15) Popo, 迪拜国际设计周GGS奖,2021

16) Silent Delivery, 迪拜国际设计周GGS奖,2021

17) Coral Reef Rescuer, 迪拜国际设计周GGS奖,2021

18) One Shoe, 国际iF设计奖, 2021

19) 无声外卖,DIA中国设计智造大奖佳作奖,2021

20) Lantern Hat,迪拜国际设计周GGS2020

21) Alcoholess,国际iF设计奖,2020

22) Anchor Helen,国际iF设计奖,2020

23) SocialArk,国际iF设计奖,2020

24) Color Guardian,国际iF设计奖,2020

25) 墨影,国际用户体验创新大赛全国一等奖铜奖,2020

26) 诶啊校园,国际用户体验创新大赛全国二等奖,2020

27) Hey-beer智能精酿啤酒机,LIGHTEA 多传感器智能茶饮机,Foree-AI精准材质识别的解构式鞋物洗护机,美的全球开放式创新大赛一、二、三等奖,2020

28) 基于5G技术的“重明”智能盲杖设计 世界5G大会5G应用设计揭榜赛校园分赛 一等奖&京东特别奖 2019

29) CACTUS 国际RedDot红点设计奖2019

30) Adapshoe 国际iF设计奖 2018

31) DIY Weave 国际RedDot红点设计奖2017

32) Adapshoe,迪拜国际设计周GGS奖,2017

33) Emo Gloves 国际RedDot红点设计奖2016

34) Silent Angel 国际iF设计奖 2016

35) Lock for the Blind 国际RedDot红点设计奖2014

36) PC Canvas Casing 国际iF设计奖2006

37) Secure Mag国际iF设计奖2006

38) Rubik Cube国际iF设计奖2006

39) Soft Wall 国际iF设计奖2006

40) The Coat of Wall 国际iF设计奖2006

41) SONNY 国际RedDot红点设计奖2006

42) Colorful Musicbox 国际RedDot红点设计奖2006

43) “和丰奖”工业设计大赛优秀指导教师奖



1) 一种辅助儿童观察植物和学习生物多样性的绘画系统,发明授权;

2) 一种电子信息工程用通信塔驱鸟装置,发明授权;

3) 一种基于人工智能的辅助设计绘图方法及系统,发明授权,201810419583.X

4) 一种新型露水收集装置,发明授权,202110067053.5

5) 一种儿童心理健康成长用趣味互动装置,发明授权,202011266473.8

6) 一种儿童心理健康成长测评仪,发明授权,202011227767.X

7) 一种UDP网络协议实现浏览器显示心电图的装置和方法,发明授权,201911220992.8

8) 立体编织模型的制作方法,发明授权,201710310323.4

9) 一种伸缩电冰箱,发明授权,201410425333.9

10) 一种可分享的笔,发明授权,201410424759.2

11) 一种会旋转的LED灯,发明授权,201410424504.6

12) 一种模拟喷泉效果的自动感应式喷水浴缸,发明授权,201410297957.7

13) 一种健身器材,发明授权,201310103662.7

14) 交互式游戏装置,发明授权,201210124776.5

15) 一种快捷充气式救生装置,发明授权,201010238042.0


1) GB/T 34668-2023 电动平衡车安全要求及测试方法 Safety requirements and test methods for electrical self-balancing vehicles (国标)

2) GB/T 34667-2023 电动平衡车通用技术条件 General specifications of electrical self-balancing vehicles (国标)

3) T/CIDADS00001-2021 固定通信终端的工业设计和评定规范(团标)

4) T/CIDADS00002-2021 移动通信终端的工业设计和评定规范(团标)

5) T/EI 8801.1-2022 数字化艺术与设计藏品及价值评价体系1部分:通则(团标)

6) T/EI 7401-2023 服务机器人模块化设计(团标)

7) T/EI 7501-2024 数字文化艺术产业园区建设规范(团标)

8) T/EI 8301-2024 高校计算机电子信息工程线上线下混合教学实践基地建设(团标)

9) T/EI 6501-2024 智能室内氛围系统设计(团标)




旨在整合“设计、技术、商业、用户及文化”等创新元素,推动传统产业的转型升级,推行 PBL(Problem-Based Learning是一种“以问题为导向”)的创新设计模式,构建TII(思维能力、整合能力、实现能力)设计创新平台; 设计研究包括嵌入式技术研究与设计、服务机器人研究与设计、设计技术研究与设计、信息与无障碍研究与设计、商业与服务设计、文化与创意设计等;  现任主任:陈纯 教授,学术委员会主任:潘云鹤 院士。

