彭华新, 国家特聘专家、浙江大学求是讲席教授、功能复合材料与结构研究所所长、英国布里斯托大学客座教授。1990年毕业于浙江大学材料科学与工程学系,1993年和1996年分别获得哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程硕士和博士学位,专攻复合材料。先后在英国布鲁内尔大学(1998-2000) 和 牛津大学 (2001-2) 做博士后。2002年10月到布里斯托大学任讲师,随后晋升高级讲师, 准教授 (Reader) 和终身正教授,兼任大学校委会及学部职称评定委员会委员。期间作为核心成员参与了英国国家复合材料中心 (NCC) 和劳斯莱斯全球唯一的复合材料大学技术中心 (RR-UTC in Composites) 的成立以及布里斯托大学复合材料研究所 (ACCIS)和纳米科学与量子信息中心(NSQI)的创立并兼 NSQI 中心首任常务副主任。曾在英国布里斯托复合材料研究所、劳斯莱斯复合材料大学技术中心以及英国国家复合材料中心,与空中客车、劳斯莱斯等合作, 从事面向航空航天的高性能陶瓷纤维、碳纤维及其复合材料研究。涉及碳化硅纤维及其钛基复合材料在航空发动机涡轮叶环上的应用;碳纤维及其复合材料在大飞机、航空发动机和风电叶片上的应用;开辟了磁性纤维及其多功能复合材料与超复合材料的研究领域。
2014年辞去布里斯托大学(当年QS世界排名前30)终身教授职位,全职加入浙江大学材料科学与工程学院,并牵头成立了功能复合材料与结构研究所担任所长。作为发起人之一创立了Elsevier 国际期刊 Composites Communications 任共同主编。兼任国际复合材料学会执行委员会委员、亚澳复合材料学会理事长、中国复合材料学会国际合作委员会主任、中国超材料学会常务副理事长共同创始人。
· 探索针对典型复合材料构件的材料、工艺与性能的科学规律;
· 发展高效的材料及其构件的设计、制造与评测技术与方法;
· 建立先进复合材料的结构设计测评准则及工艺与质量控制标准;
· 热压罐制造技术、固化工艺及其仿真分析;
· 自动化工艺与装备;
· : 方向2:新型金属-陶瓷复合材料
· 复合材料构型化设计
· 高强韧耐热钛基复合材料增材制造技术;
· 电磁功能复合材料,吸波与隐身材料;
· 超复合材料与结构;
· 复合材料表界面工程;
l 著作 Book
l [1] H. X. Peng F. Qin, M.H. Phan, Ferromagnetic Wires and their Multifunctional Composites: from Sensors to Microwave Applications, Springer. 2016.
l [2] 彭华新,周济,崔铁军,超材料,中国战略性新兴产业-前沿新材料系列,中国铁道出版社,2020.
l 著作章节 Book Chapters
l [1] H. X. Peng, Polyurethane Nanocomposite Coatings for Aeronautical Applications in Multifunctional Polymer Nanocomposites, Taylor and Francis, LLC, 2010, pp.337-387. (51 pages)
l [2] F.Qin, H.X. Peng. Magnetocaloric Effect of Amorphous Materials Based on Heavy Rare Earth Elements, Nova Science, 2013.
l [3] H Wang, FX Qin, HX Peng, JF Sun. Melt Extracted Microwires, in High Performance Soft Magnetic Materials, 2017, 53-89
l 特邀 Invited Editorial
l [1] Qin, F.X., Peng, H-X. Ferromagnetic microwire metacomposites provide multifunctionality, The Brief,
l http://the-briefing.com/ferromagnetic-microwire-metacomposites-provide-multifunctionality, Click here
l [2] Weight Watchers: UK team pinpoints technique to produce jet engine parts that are 70 per cent lighter, The Engineer,
l http://www.theengineer.co.uk/news/weight-watchers/279793.article, Click here
l 期刊论文 Journal Papers (近3年)
[1]. Wu, YS; Xiang, Y; Lu, HT; Qin, FX; Xu, P; Peng, HX*. Controllable confinement nano-reinforced organic-inorganic cyanate ester resins with optimal modulus and dielectric properties trade-offs. POLYMER CHEMISTRY, 2024,15(26):2698-2709.
[2]. Xu, P;Wu, YS;Li, YF;Xiang, Y;Lu, HT;Hua, ZL;Qin, FX;Peng, HX. Enhanced interfacial, mechanical, and anti-hygrothermal properties of carbon fiber/cyanate ester composites with the catalytic sizing agents of titanium epoxy. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2024,253.
[3]. Gao, X;Lu, XN;Zhang, XX;Qian, MF;Li, AB;Wang, H;Liu, C;Gong, BW;Ouyang, WT;Peng, HX*. Effect of Bricks-and-Mortar Architecture on Fracture Behavior of SiCp/Al Composite: A Finite Element Analysis. APPLIED COMPOSITE MATERIALS, 2024.
[4]. Gao, X;Lu, XN;Zhang, XX;Qian, MF;Li, AB;Geng, L;Wang, H;Liu, C;Ouyang, WT;Peng, HX*. Effect of Particle Strength on SiCp/Al Composite Properties with Network Architecture Design, MATERIALS, 2024,17(3) .
[5]. Gong, BW;Ge, YZ;Wang, H;Peng, HX*;Wisnom, MR;Xu, XD. Hygrothermal effects on translaminar fracture toughness of quasi-isotropic laminates with different stacking sequences. COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2024,45.
[6]. Gao, X; Lu, XN; Zhang, XX; Qian, MF; Li,AB; Geng, L; Wang, H; Liu, C; Gong, BW; Peng, HX*. Investigation on Critical Microstructure Size for Numerical Analysis of Metal-Matrix Composites with Network Reinforcement Architecture. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS, 2024:16 (07).
[7]. Feng, JF; Wang, DQ; Hu, JQ; Chen, R;Yang, JC; Li, ML; Wang, B; Peng, HX. Optimizing the thermal properties of fiber reinforced phthalonitrile composites.JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 2024: 141 (2).
[8]. Liu, C;Ye, JT;Wei, X;Jin, KH;Wang, J;Gao, X;Zhang, YF;Zhang, Z;Peng, HX*. Strength-ductility synergy in 3D-printed (TiB + TiC)/Ti6Al4V composites with unique dual-heterogeneous structure. COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING, 2023: 266.
[9]. Ye, J;Wu, YS;Gao, Y;Gong, CX;Wang, H;Xu, XP;Peng, HX*. Hygrothermal aging effects on fiber-metal-laminates with engineered interfaces. COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS, 2023: 43.
[10]. Gao, Y;Lin, ZQ;Zhou, YQ;Ling, ZH;Dong, JL;Wang, H;Peng, HX*. Size effect in curing optimization for thick composite laminates. MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS. 2023,34.
[11]. Ouyang, WT;Wang, H;Dong, JL;Gong, BW;Scarpa, F;Peng, HX*. Cross-helicoidal approach to the design of damage-resistant composites. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, 2023, 306.
[12]. Gao, X;Peng, MY;Zhang, XX;Qian, MF;Li, AB;Geng, L;Wang, H;Peng, HX*. Profound strengthening and toughening effect of reinforcement aspect ratio in composite with network architecture. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2023,931.
[13]. P Xu, TF Feng, YF Wang, WY Shen, H Wang, HX Peng, FX Qin, Pre-use interfacial shear strength prediction for fiber-reinforced thermosetting composites based on stress-impedance effect of ferromagnetic microwires, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2022, 152, 106684.
[14]. L Quan, CH Wang, YL Xu, JL Qiu, HY Zhang, BJ Cunning, M Huang, HJ Wei, WK Seong, JH Seo, H Wang, FX Qin, JF Zhu, HX Peng, RS Ruoff, Electromagnetic properties of graphene aerogels made by freeze-casting, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 428, 131337
[15]. X Gao, XX Zhang, MF Qian, AB Li, GS Wang, L Geng, HX Peng. Enhanced stress concentration sensitivity of SiCp/Al composite with network architecture. Journal of Composite Materials. 2022, 56(8):1165-1174.
[16]. LC Ju, QF He, FX Qin, HX Peng, RH Fan, Facile and Efficient Negative Permittivity Realization of Copper Microwire Polymer Metacomposites at X-Band Frequency, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2022, 51: 2107–2113.
[17]. Zhang, YC;Franco, V;Wang, YF;Peng, HX*;Qin, FX. Microstructure, magnetism and critical behavior of hot pressed Ni-Mn-Ga/Al magnetocaloric composites with enhanced thermal conductivity and mechanical properties. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2022,918.
[18]. Ye, J;Gao, Y;Wu, YS;Liu, C;Dong, JL;Wang, H;Su, B;Peng, HX*. Low velocity impact response of fiber metal laminates with nano-patterned metal surfaces. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2022,228.
[19]. Feng, TF;Xu, P;Wang, YF;Gao, Y;Wang, H;Dong, JL;Peng, HX*;Qin, FX. Magnetic fiber enabled curing electrogram: Real-time process monitoring for thermosetting polymer materials.COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022, 227.
[20]. Gao, Y;Ye, J;Yuan, ZY;Ling, ZH;Zhou, YQ;Lin, ZQ;Dong, JL;Wang, H;Peng, HX*. Optimization strategy for curing ultra-thick composite laminates based on multi-objective genetic algorithm.COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS, 2022, 31.
[21]. Gong, BW; Wang, H; Martinson, N; Ouyang,WT; Ye, J; Qu, SX;Peng, HX*. Fatigue life assessment and damage evolution in Z-pinned laminates.COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022, 221.
[22]. Wang, S; Huang, LJ; An, Q; Ma, ZS; Zhang, R; Peng, HX; Geng, L. Strength-ductility synergy of in-situ TiB/Ti6Al4V composites with tailored hierarchical TiB distributions.CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 2022, 48 (23):35069-35075.
[23]. Wang, CY; An, Q; Huang, LJ; Zhang, R; Chen, X; Chen, C; Geng, L; Peng, HX. Achieving superior strength-ductility synergy by constructing network microstructure in Ti-based high-entropy alloy matrix composites, COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS, 2022, 36.
[24]. Wang, S; Huang, LJ; Liu, BX; Peng, HX; Jiao, Y; Geng, L. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V based laminated composites at various rolling reductions.COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS, 2022, 33.
[25]. Hou, Q; Ju, LC; Qin, FX; Peng, HX; Fan, RH. Tuning Negative Permittivity by Anodization of A 3D Copper Network. ECS JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022, 11 (4).
l Zhang, QC; Scarpa, F; Barton, D; Zhu,YP; Lang, ZQ; Zhang, DY; Peng, HX. Impact properties of uniaxially thermoformed auxetic foams.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING,2022, 163.