


2020.01-2023.05 浙江大学宁波科创中心化工分院    助理研究员

2023.06-至今 浙江大学宁波科创中心材料分院    助理研究员

             浙江大学材料科学与工程学院     助理研究员

马赛男,助理研究员,硕士生导师,博士毕业于香港理工大学,主要研究领域为能源存储与转换材料。迄今已在ACS NanoAppl. EnergyDesalinationJ. Mater. Chem. AACS Appl. Mater. InterfacesSol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells等期刊发表学术论文30余篇,授权多项发明专利,主持或主参国家自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金、宁波市自然科学基金及校企合作项目等10余项科研项目。



1. 项目研究

1.微纳结构调变MOF衍生复合材料的可控制备及其催化降解协同光热蒸发处理多组分污水性能研究(LQ21E020009), 浙江省自然科学基金探索项目,主持


3. 氧化物功能薄膜的性能设计、可控制备与应用研究(K20233184),杭州科创大走廊区域创新基金,主参;


2. 论文、著作


1. S. Ma, C. P. Chiu, Y. Zhu, C. Y. Tang, H. Long, W. Qarony, X. Zhao, X. Zhang, W. H. Lo, Y. H. Tsang, Recycled Waste Black Polyurethane Sponges for Solar Vapor Generation and Distillation, Applied Energy 2017, 206, 63.

2. S. Ma, H. Yuan, L. Cai, X. Wang, H. Long, Y. Chai, Y. H. Tsang, One Step Synthesis of Fe4.4Ni17.6Se16 coupled NiSe Foam as Self-Supported, Highly Efficient and Durable Oxygen Evolution Electrode, Materials Today Chemistry 2018, 9, 133.

3. S. Ma, W. Qarony, M. I. Hossain, Y. H. Tsang, MOF-Derived Porous Carbon of Light Trapping Structures for Efficient Solar Steam Generation. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2019, 196, 36

4. Y. Zuo#, D. Rao#, S. Ma#, T. Li, Y. H. Tsang, S. Kment, Y. Chai, Valence Engineering via Dual-Cation and Boron Doping in Pyrite Selenide for Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution. ACS Nano 2019, 13 (10), 11469-11476.

5. S. Ma, Wang, Q.; Chen, K.; Yuan, W.; Gao, X.; Li, N.; Gao, N., Biomass Waste-Derived Solar Evaporator for Efficient and Low-Cost Water Evaporation. Energy Technology 2022, 10 (12), 2200900.

6. D. Wei, X. Yu, Y. Luo, X. Gao, S. Ma*, Improving the Performance of the SiO/C Anode by Employing the Triblock Copolymer Binder and Copper Nanowires, Energy & Fuels 2022, 36: 4557-4563.

7. Saleque AM, Ma S*, Thakur AK, Saidur R, Han TK, Hossain MI, et al. MXene/MnO2 nanocomposite coated superior salt-rejecting biodegradable luffa sponge for efficient solar steam generation. Desalination 2023, 554: 116488.

8. H. Luo #, S. Ma #, J. Liu, Y. Luo, X. Gao. Raspberry-like micro-size polymer with high spherical shape-retention capability and adhesion as binder for ceramic separators. European Polymer Journal 2023, 194: 112184.

9. N. Li#, S. Ma#, G. Jiang, X. Hao, G. Chen, N. Gao, A performance optimization method based on the flow field structure of the vortex tubes with ANN, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 2023, 37: 101590.

10. W. Cheng, N. Li, J. Liu, S. Ma*, X. Gao. Solid Electrolyte Interface Film-Forming and Surface-Stabilizing Bifunctional 1,2-Bis((trimethylsilyl)oxy) Benzene as Novel Electrolyte Additive for Silicon-Based Lithium-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023, 15(44): 51025-51035.


3. 成果奖项



1. 一种无氢化硅的滤光膜及其设计、制备方法和应用,马赛男,葛芳琪,刘涌,韩高荣,王立坤,龚煜,专利号:CN202411077327.9

一种利用太阳能光热催化处理有机污水的方法,马赛男,汪倩倩,高翔,陈珂,授权公告号:CN115159606 B,专利号:ZL202210959047.5

2. 一种太阳能光热转换水处理设备,马赛男,高翔,汪倩倩,陈珂,授权公告号:CN115321629B,专利号:ZL202211019113.7

3. 一种用于柔性显示屏的基于聚吡咯导电层的发光器件,刘宾虹,马赛男,李洲鹏,授权公告号:CN112331792B,专利号:ZL202011120013.4.

4. 聚吡咯微胶囊制备方法及在制备太阳能电池板中的应用,刘宾虹,马赛男,李洲鹏,授权公告号:CN112341622B专利号:ZL202011119976.2.

