电子邮箱: ztliu@zju.edu.cn

刘之涛博士,教授,博士生导师,2010年毕业于浙江大学获工学博士学位,2011-2014年TUM CREATE博士后。主要研究方向为电池管理系统、电动汽车、无线电能传输、智能制造及工业大数据等方面的研究,主持和参与多项国家和省部级科研项目,发表科研论文150多篇,其中在IEEE TAC, IEEE TIE、IEEE TTE等控制与能源领域的顶级期刊发表多篇论文;申请及授权专利30余项;获2020年浙江省自然科学一等奖,2017年浙江省自然科学二等奖等。




1. 基于无源性理论的电动汽车动态无线充电系统的建模与控制,国家自然科学基金面上项目

2. 基于新一代现场级工业物联网融合的典型行业制造过程管控技术研发,国家重点研发计划课题

3. 基于渣土参数和掘进运行参数分析的大型掘进装备地质适应性智能控制方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目

4. TBM 渣片参数提取系统研制,中铁工程装备集团有限公司

5. 锂电池管理系统的估计与控制算法研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目


2. 论文、著作

1) Xuchi Xue, Zhitao Liu*, Weihan Li and Hongye Su, Design of A Single-Stage Dual Active Bridge Micro-Inverter with Wide Load Adaptability Based on Loss Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2025.3539622.

2) Shuxin Zhang, Zhitao Liu*, Yan Xu, Guangwei Chen and Hongye Su, An Electrochemical Aging-Informed Data-Driven Approach for Health Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries with Parameter Inconsistency, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2025.3532588.

3) Bin Li, Zhitao Liu*, Hongye Su, Economic-Emission Coordinated Operation of Transportation-Microgrid Coupled System Based on Dynamic User Equilibrium, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.26, No.2, pp.2381-2396, February, 2025.

4) Jiawang Yue, Zhitao Liu*, and Hongye Su, Robust Voltage Regulation in Dynamic Wireless EV Charging Systems via Dual-Frequency Oscillation Suppression, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2024.3503636.

5) Jiawang Yue, Zhitao Liu*, and Hongye Su, Composite Anti-Disturbance Control for Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer System of Electric Vehicles with Multi-Source Uncertainties, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2024.3475368.

6) Jiawang Yue, Zhitao Liu*, Mengting Zhang and Hongye Su, Cascade ESO-Based Control for Power Converter of Dynamic Wireless EV Charging System Subject to Uncertainty and Sensor Noise, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Vol.11, NO.1, pp.4598-4608, February 2025.

7) Shuxin Zhang, Zhitao Liu*, Yan Xu, Jiankang Guo and Hongye Su, A Physics-Informed Data-Driven Approach with Generative Electrode-Level Features for Lithium-Ion Battery Health Prognostics, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Vol.11, NO.1, pp.4857-4871, 2025.

8) Shuxin Zhang, Zhitao Liu*, Yan Xu, and Hongye Su, A Physics-Informed Hybrid Multi-Task Learning for Lithium-Ion Battery Full-Life Aging Estimation at Early Lifetime, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol.21, NO.1, pp.415-424, January 2025.

9) Zhou, Bei, Liu, Zhitao*, and Su, Hongye, 5G Networks Enabling Cooperative Autonomous Vehicle Localization: A Survey, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.25, NO.11, November 2024, pp.15291-15313.

10) Jiawang Yue, Zhitao Liu*, and Hongye Su, Output Voltage Fluctuation Damping for Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer System of EVs Based on Sensorless Disturbance Rejection Control, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.73, NO.12, pp.18472-18482, December 2024.

11) Shuxin Zhang, Zhitao Liu*, and Hongye Su, Battery Early Prognostics Based on Pseudo Meta-Learning, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol.20, NO.10, pp.11655-11665, October, 2024.

12) Jiawang Yue, Zhitao Liu*, and Hongye Su, Predictor-Based ADRC for Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer System with Voltage Fluctuation Damping and Measurement Noise Filtering, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Vol.10, NO.4, pp.8099-8109, December 2024.

13) Mengting Zhang, Zhitao Liu*, and Hongye Su, Optimal Output Regulation for EV Dynamic Wireless Charging System via Internal Model-based Control, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.71, NO.10, October 2024, pp.13031-13041.

14) Jiawang Yue, Zhitao Liu*, and Hongye Su, Observer-based Finite-time Disturbance Rejection Control for Dynamic Wireless Charging Systems with Constant Output Voltage Regulation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.71, NO.9, pp.11398-11407, September 2024.

15) Jiawang Yue, Zhitao Liu*, and Hongye Su, Model-Free Composite Disturbance Rejection Control for Dynamic Wireless Charging System Based on Online Parameter Identification, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.71, NO.7, pp.7777-7785, July 2024.

16) Jiawang Yue, Zhitao Liu*, and Hongye Su, Data-Driven Adaptive Extended State Observer-Based Model-Free Disturbance Rejection Control for DC–DC Converters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.71, NO.7, pp.7745-7755, July 2024.

17) Mengting Zhang, Zhitao Liu*, and Hongye Su, Precise Disturbance Rejection for Dynamic Wireless Charging System of Electric Vehicle Using Internal Model-Based Regulator With Disturbance Observer, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.71, NO.7, pp.7695-7705, July 2024.

18) Mengting Zhang, Zhitao Liu*, and Hongye Su, Robust Adaptive Output Regulation for EV Dynamic Wireless Charging System With Sinusoidal Disturbance of Unknown Frequency, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.71, NO.7, pp.7301-7311, July2024.

19) Guangwei Chen, Rafael Vazquez, Zhitao Liu* and Hongye Su, Backstepping Control of an Underactuated Hyperbolic-parabolic Coupled PDE System, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.69, NO.2, pp.1218-1225, February 2024.

20) Haodong Zhang, Zhitao Liu*, Hongye Su, Fuzzy Kalman Filter based Short Circuit Fault Diagnosis Design for Lithium-Ion Battery, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.71, No.3, pp.2883-2892, 2024.

21) Ze Zhou, Zhitao Liu*, Hongye Su, Liyan Zhang, Optimal Operation for Cross-Period Scheduling of Electric Vehicles in Traffic-Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Vol.10, NO.3, pp.6676-6689, September 2024.

22) Qi Han, Zhitao Liu*, Hongye Su, Xiangbin Liu , Command filter-based I&I adaptive control for MIMO uncertain systems with input saturation and disturbances, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Vol.66, 222203, November 2023.

23) Wenjie Chen, Zhitao Liu*, Jia Liu, Juncen Ye, and Hongye Su, A New Simultaneous Wireless Power and Information Transfer System With Integrated Signal Magnetic Coupler, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.70, NO.12, pp.12708-12718, 2023.

24) Qi Han, Zhitao Liu*, Hongye Su, Xiangbin Liu, Filter-based disturbance observer and adaptive control for Euler-Lagrange system with application to a Quadrotor UAV, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.70, NO.8, pp.8437-8445, 2023.

25) Shuxin Zhang, Zhitao Liu*, and Hongye Su, A Bayesian Mixture Neural Network for Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Lithium-Ion Batteries, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Vol.8, NO.4, pp.4708-4721, 2022.

26) Jia Liu, Zhitao Liu*Wenjie Chen and  Hongye Su, An optimized coil array and passivity-based control for receiving side multilevel connected DCDC converter of dynamic wireless charging, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.71, NO.4, pp.3715-3726, 2022.

27) Jia Liu, Zhitao Liu*Wenjie Chen and  Hongye Su, Passivity-based Control for Interleaved Double Dual Boost Converters in DC Microgrids Supplying Constant Power Loads, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Vol.8, NO.2,pp.1642-1655, June 2022.

28) Ze Zhou, Zhitao Liu*Hongye Su and Liyan Zhang, Multi-Objective Optimization for 10-kW Rated Power Dynamic Wireless Charging Systems of Electric Vehicles, Science China Information Sciences, Vol.65, NO.10, 202201, September 2022.

29) Jia Liu, Zhitao Liu* and Hongye Su, Passivity-Based PI Control for Receive Side of Dynamic Wireless Charging System in Electric Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.69,No.1, pp.783-794, January, 2022.

30) Jia Liu, Zhitao Liu*, Chen Wenjie, Hongye Su and Liyan Zhang, Current Sharing Based on Incremental Passivity and Unknown Load Finite Time Estimation for Multilevel Connected DC-DC Converters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.69, No.1, pp.713-724, January,2022.



1) 刘之涛,刘佳,苏宏业,Control System for Wireless Power Transfer System, US11601018 B2,授权日期 Mar.7,2023.美国专利

2) 刘之涛,刘佳,陈文杰,苏宏业,Wireless Synchronous Transmission System of Energy and Signal Based on Integrated Magnetic Circuit Coupling Structure, US 11855464 B1, 授权日期Dec.26,2023. 美国专利

3) 刘之涛,刘佳,苏宏业,一种用于无线电能传输系统的控制器电路,专利号ZL202010953179.8,授权公告日2022年08月23日。

4) 刘之涛,张树信,苏宏业,基于多电池数据融合的锂电池SOH长期预测方法,专利号ZL202110302301.X,授权公告日2022年07月22日。

5) 刘之涛,庄伟超,苏宏业,一种基于模糊模型预测控制的锂电池温度控制系统和方法,专利号ZL201910740821.1,授权公告日2020年11月10日。

6) 刘之涛,夏越,苏宏业,结合十字骨架窗口和图像金字塔的立体图像深度检测方法,专利号ZL202210792911.7,授权公告日:2024年05月31日。

7) 刘之涛,张梦婷,苏宏业,用于电动汽车的动态无线充电装置及充电控制方法,专利号ZL202210802389.6,授权公告日2024年08月27日。

8) 刘之涛,陈文杰,刘佳,苏宏业,一种无线电能传输系统的金属异物和位置检测系统及方法,专利号ZL202210980699.7,授权公告日2024年08月27日。

9) 刘之涛,侯家乐,苏宏业,一种考虑障碍物信息的基于采样的路径规划方法,专利号ZL202211110911.0,授权日2025 年01 月16 日
