电子邮箱: zhangp94@zju.edu.cn

张鹏,199410月生,2022年获浙江大学工学博士学位。长期从事多相流过程检测与流动机理分析研究,在颗粒输送过程关键参数的智能检测、分析与应用方面取得系列进展。近年来在AIChE JournalChemical Engineering Science等国内外著名期刊上发表论文9篇,获授权发明专利5件。



1. Peng Zhang, Sihang Tian, Yao Yang, et al. Flow regime identification in horizontal pneumatic conveying by nonintrusive acoustic emission detection. AIChE Journal, 2019, 65(5): e16552.

2. Peng Zhang, Tao Sheng, Zhengliang Huang, et al. Experimental study of the effect of inclination angle on the minimum conveying velocity and the underlying mechanisms. AIChE Journal, 2020, 66(2): e16830.

3. Peng Zhang, Yao Yang, Zhengliang Huang, et al. Machine learning assisted measurement of solid mass flow rate in horizontal pneumatic conveying by acoustic emission detection. Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 229: 116083.

4. Peng Zhang, Yao Yang, Jingyuan Sun, et al. Acoustic analysis of particle dispersion state and prediction of solid concentration in horizontal hydraulic conveying. Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 245: 116973.

5. Yun Shuai, Peng Zhang, Xiaoyun Guo, et al. Classification and identification of gas–liquid dispersion states in a jet bubbling reactor. AIChE Journal, 2020, 66(5): e16778.

6. Yao Yang, Peng Zhang, Lelu He, et al. Acoustic analysis of particle-wall interactions of plug flow in vertical pneumatic conveying. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 211: 115260.

7. Tao Sheng, Peng Zhang, Zhengliang Huang, et al. The screened waveguide for intrusive acoustic emission detection and its application in circulating fluidized bed. AIChE Journal, 2021, 67(4): e17118.

8. Zhenglinag Huang, Peng Zhang, Yao Yang, et al. Acoustic emission detection of slag performance in coal gasifiers. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 28(8): 2200-2207.

9. 黄正梁,张鹏,杨遥等. 外加电场对静电流化床中颗粒运动与床层粘壁的调控机制化工学报, 2021, 72(09):4544-4552.



1. 杨遥,张鹏,孙婧元等. 一种气力输送过程中输送流型的检测方法,ZL201810886646.22020已授权.

2. 杨遥,张鹏,孙婧元等. 一种气力输送过程中颗粒质量流率的检测方法和系统,ZL202010202669.52021已授权.

3. 杨遥,张鹏,孙婧元等. 一种流化床外循环的稳定控制方法,ZL202110547191.42022已授权.

4. 杨遥,张鹏,孙婧元等. 一种水力输送过程中固体流动形态及浓度的检测方法和系统,ZL 202110545668.42022,已授权.

5. 杨遥,张鹏,盛涛等. 一种气波管内波系运动特征的检测方法和系统,ZL202110199127.02022,已授权.
