吴晶军,工学博士,研究员,国家级青年人才。本科及博士毕业于浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学院,2015年至2020年于浙江大学化工学院开展博士后研究工作。长期从事光固化3D打印工艺及材料研究。研究兴趣主要为解决光固化3D打印在大规模产业化应用过程中存在的打印效率低、材料功能/性能差等关键问题。在高性能3D打印材料、超快速3D打印工艺、热塑性高分光固化3D打印、动态高分子3D打印、4D打印功能高分子材料及器件等领域取得一系列成果。承担国家自然科学基金青年、面上及优青项目,参与科技部重点研发计划4D打印专项、浙江省尖兵领雁3D打印医学辅助模型项目等。以第一/通讯作者在Nature、Nature Communications、Advanced Materials等材料顶级期刊发表论文二十余篇,授权中国发明专利11项,美国发明专利6项。部分高性能3D打印弹性体专利已实现产业化。
1. JW科技委3D/4D打印技术路线指南专家
2. 中国智能复合材料专业委员会委员
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目(B类)[原优秀青年科学基金项目], 22422505, 光固化3D打印, 2025-01-01 至 2027-12-31, 200万元, 在研, 主持
(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 22375176, 基于高分子网络重构的光固化多材料3D打印, 2024-01-01 至 2027-12-31, 50万元, 在研, 主持
(3) 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,21604070,3D打印具有多级孔结构的水凝胶,2017年01月至2019年12月,24万元,已结题,主持
(4) 科技部, 国家重点研发计划, 2022YFB3805701, 智能材料仿生设计及4D 打印, 2022-11 至 2025-10, 384万元, 在研, 参与
(1) Zizheng Fang; Hongfeng Mu; Zhuo Sun; Kaihang Zhang; Anyang Zhang; Jiada Chen; Ning Zheng; Qian Zhao; Xuxu yang; Feng Liu; Jingjun Wu*; Tao Xie*; 3D printable elastomers with exceptional strength and toughness, Nature, 2024, 631: 783-788.
(2) Jingjun Wu; Jing Guo; Changhong Linghu; Yahui Lu; Jizhou Song*; Tao Xie; Qian Zhao*; Rapid digital light 3D printing enabled by a soft and deformable hydrogel separation interface, Nature Communications, 2021, 12: 6070
(3) Zizheng Fang; Yunpeng Shi; Hongfeng Mu; Runzhi Lu; Jingjun Wu*; Tao Xie*; 3D printing of dynamic covalent polymer network with on-demand geometric and mechanical reprogrammability, Nature Communications, 2023, 14: 1313-1321
(4) Yahui Lu; Xing Chen; Fang Han; Qian Zhao; Tao Xie; Jingjun Wu*; Yuhua Zhang*; 3D printing of self-healing personalized liver models for surgical training and preoperative planning, Nature Communications, 2023, 14: 8447
(5) Shihong Deng; Jingjun Wu*; Michael D Dickey; Qian Zhao; Tao Xie*; Rapid Open-Air Digital Light 3D Printing of Thermoplastic Polymer, Advanced Materials, 2019, 31(39): 1903970
(6) Zhuo Sun; Xin Ming; Zijian Xu; Yang Xu; Tao Xie; Jingjun Wu *; 3D Printing of Hierarchically Structured Metals/Alloys Based on Ion-Infused Porous Hydrogels, Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 35(3): 2418035
(7) Zhuo Sun; Yahui Lu; Qian Zhao; Jingjun Wu*; A new stereolithographic 3D printing strategy for hydrogels with a large mechanical tunability and self-weldability, Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 50: 106523
(8) Zhuo Sun; Qian Zhao; Sainan Ma; Jingjun Wu*; DLP 3D printed hydrogels with hierarchical structures post-programmed by lyophilization and ionic locking, Materials Horizons, 2022, 10: 179-186
(9) Chuhan Song; Qian Zhao; Tao Xie; Jingjun Wu *; DLP 3D printing of electrically conductive ybrid hydrogels via polymerization-induced phase separation and subsequent in situ assembly of polypyrrole, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024, 12, 5348.
(10) Zizheng Fang; Runzhi Lu; Jiada Chen; Qian Zhao; Jingjun Wu*; Vat photopolymerization of tough glassy polymers with multiple shape memory performances, Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 59: 103171-103177
(11) Zizheng Fang; Yunpeng Shi; Yuhua Zhang; Qian Zhao; Jingjun Wu* ; Reconfigurable Polymer Networks for Digital Light Processing 3D Printing, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13: 15584-15590
(12) Yongqi Liu; Biru Yang; Chuhan Song; Qian Zhao; Tao Xie; Zizhang Fang; Jingjun Wu*; Multishape Programming of Shape Memory Polymer Assemblies Fabricated by Vat Photopolymerization-Based 3D Printing and Interfacial Welding, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15: 57649-57655
(13) Yahui Lu; Chenkai Zhang; Tao Xie*; Jingjun Wu*; Grayscale Color 3D/4D Printing via Orthogonal Photochemistry, Chem & Bio Engineering, 2024, 1, 76-82
(1) Tao Xie; Jingjun Wu; Qian Zhao; Jiada Chen; Acrylate oligomer and preparation method and application method thereof, 2022-4-17, 美国, 17722371
(2) 谢涛; 吴晶军; 赵骞; 陈佳达 ; 一种3D打印丙烯酸酯齐聚物及其制备方法与应用方法, 2021-6-1, 中国, ZL202110608425.0
(3) 吴晶军; 谢涛 ; 一种可自动去支撑的光固化3D打印方法, 2020-10-23, 中国, ZL202011146579.4
(4) 谢涛; 吴晶军; 赵骞 ; 一种聚脲丙烯酸酯齐聚物及其制备方法和应用方法, 2021-2-22, 中国, ZL202110198554.7
(5) 谢涛; 吴晶军; 郑宁; 孙卓; 赵骞 ; 一种使用瓶刷状硅橡胶为离型膜的光固化3D打印装置与方法, 2022-10-21, 中国, ZL202111461478.0
(6) 吴晶军; 俞梦飞; 赵骞 ; 一种含氨基天然大分子多孔水凝胶的制备方法, 2022-3-1, 中国, ZL202210193830.5
(7) 吴晶军; 俞梦飞; 赵骞 ; 一种海藻酸钙多孔水凝胶的制备方法, 2022-3-1, 中国, ZL202210193573.5