
周雨迪,工学博士,浙江大学宁波科创中心助理研究员,本科和博士就读于浙江大学光电科学与工程学院,主要从事海洋激光雷达研究。以第一作者/通讯作者在Light: Science & Application (IF=20.3)Remote Sensing of Environment (IF=11.1)Environmental Science & Technology (IF=11.4)Research (IF=11.0)等领域顶尖期刊发表论文10余篇;申请/授权国家发明专利6项,做邀请报告7次,其中国际会议邀请报告2次。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,浙江省/宁波市自然科学基金2项,参与国家重点研发计划3项。任国际数字地球学会中国国家委员会激光雷达专委会委员,国际空间科学研究所星载海洋激光雷达团队中国代表,获第二届中国激光雷达青年科学家奖(全国共5人)。





1. Y. Yang#, Y. Zhou#, I. Stachlewska, Y. Hu, X. Lu, W. Chen, J. Liue, W. Sun, S. Yang, Y. Tao, L. Lin, W. Lv, L. Jiang, L. Wu, C. Liu and D. Liu*. Spaceborne high-spectral-resolution lidar ACDL/DQ-1 measurements of particulate backscatter coefficient in the global ocean. Remote Sensing of Environment, 20249, 315, 114444.

2. H. Zhao#, Y. Zhou*, H. Wu, Tiit Kutser, Yicai Han, Ronghua Ma, Ziwei Yao, Huade Zhao, Peituo Xu, Chengchong Jiang, Qiuling Gu, Shizhe Ma, Lingyun Wu, Yang Chen, Haiyan Sheng, Xueping Wan, Wentai Chen, Xiaolong Chen, Jian Bai, Lan Wu, Qun Liu, Wenbo Sun, Suhui Yang, Miao Hu, Chong Liu*, Dong Liu*, Potential of Mie-fluorescence-Raman lidar to profile chlorophyll a concentration in inland waters, Environment Science & Technology, 20239

3. K. Zhang#, Y. Chen#, H. Zhao, Z. Lee, E. Boss, I. Stachlewska, D. Dionisi, C. Jamet, P. D. Girolamo, A. Malinka, C. Jiang, H. Wu, L. Wu, F. Chen, X. Zhu, N. Wang, C. Chen, Q. Liu, L. Wu, Y. Zhou*, W. Chen*, D. Liu*, Comprehensive, continuous, and vertical measurements of seawater constituents with triple-field-of-view high-spectral-resolution lidar, Research, 20237, 6, 0201

4. Y. Zhou#, Y. Chen#, H. Zhao#, C. Jamet, D. Dionisi, M. Chami, P. D. Girolamo, J. H. Churnside, A. Malinka, H. Zhao, D. Qiu, T. Cui, Q. Liu, Y. Chen, S. Phongphattarawat, N. Wang, S. Chen, P. Chen, Z. Yao, C. Le, Y. Tao, P. Xu, X. Wang, B. Wang, F. Chen, C. Ye, K. Zhang, C. Liu , D. Liu*, Shipborne oceanic high-spectral-resolution lidar for accurate estimation of seawater depth-resolved optical properties, Light: Science & Application, 20229, 11, 261.

5. X. Zhu#, H. Zhao, E. Hu, Y. Gao, Y. Zhou*, D. Liu, Estimation of the seawater lidar ratio by MODIS: spatialtemporal characteristics and ecological significance, Remote Sensing, 20236, 15(13), 3328.

6. Y. Yang#, H. Pan, D. Zheng, H. Zhao, Y. Zhou*, D. Liu, Characteristics and formation conditions of thin phytoplankton layers in the northern Gulf of Mexico revealed by airborne lidar, Remote Sensing, 20229, 14(17), 4179

7. 陶雨婷#, 赵泓楷, 周雨迪*, 卓文淇, 刘群, 崔晓宇, 刘斌, 乐成峰, 潘孙强, 刘崇, 刘东. CALIOP反演海洋颗粒物后向散射系数方法概述. 红外与激光工程, 20215月,50620211037

8. Y. Zhou#, W. Chen, D. Liu*, X. Cui, X. Zhu, Z. Zheng, Q. Liu, and Y. Tao, Multiple scattering effects on the return spectrum of oceanic high-spectral-resolution lidar, Optics Express, 201910, 27, 21, 30204-30216.

9. Y. Zhou#, W. Chen, X. Cui, A. Malinka, Q. Liu, B. Han, X. Wang, W. Zhuo, H. Che, Q. Song, X. Zhu, D. Liu*, Validation of the analytical model of oceanic lidar returns: comparisons with Monte Carlo simulations and experimental results, Remote Sensing, 20198, 11, 1870.

10. Y. Zhou#, D. Liu*, P. Xu, C. Liu, J. Bai, L. Yang, Z. Cheng, P. Tang, Y. Zhang, L. Su, Retrieving the seawater volume scattering function at the 180° scattering angle with a high-spectral-resolution lidar, Optics Express, 20175, 25, 10, 11813-11826

11. 周雨迪#,刘东*,徐沛拓,毛志华,陈鹏,刘志鹏,刘群,唐培钧,张与鹏,王雪霁,任佳炜,金时伟,偏振激光雷达探测大气—水体光学参数廓线. 遥感学报,20191月,231108-115






