
史可樟,浙江大学博士/博士后,师从浙江大学何赛灵教授(https://person.zju.edu.cn/sailinghe)。现任浙江大学宁波国际科创中心、浙江大学光电科学与工程学院助理研究员,宁波市“甬江人才”,2025年、2024年光子学与电磁学研讨会(PIERS,国际学术会议)分会主席、2024热物理多尺度模拟国际会议(MSTP)分会主席,Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Nanophotonics, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer等学术期刊审稿人、青岛求是工业技术研究院专家委员会委员、《Carbon Neutrality》青年编委。研究工作专注近场热辐射、非互易热辐射、二维材料如石墨烯等离激元的光热调控特性等。迄今,在Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, PRL等期刊发表40余篇论文。其中,近场热辐射理论被ACS Photonics评选为2017-2018年度中国高引领域里的开创性工作;实验工作突破黑体辐射极限上千倍,实现高效的近场辐射热流调控;超宽带、广角的非互易热辐射研究工作入选2024年ESI高被引论文(Physics Top 1%)。主持国家自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金、宁波市自然科学基金等若干项,多次在国内、外学术会议/论坛作特邀报告,获2024年PIERS国际学术会议“Session Organizer Award”。


1. 项目研究


2. 代表性论文(#一作,*通讯)



[1] Kezhang Shi#, Zhaoyang Chen#, Xinan Xu, Julian Evans, Sailing He*, Optimized colossal near-field thermal radiation enabled by manipulating coupled plasmon polariton geometryAdvanced Materials, 2021-10, 33(52), 2106097. 投稿年IF:32.086

[2] Kezhang Shi#, Yongcheng Sun#, Zhaoyang Chen, Nan He, Fanglin Bao, Julian Evans, Sailing He*, Colossal enhancement of near-field thermal radiation across hundreds of nanometers between millimeter-scale plates through surface plasmon and phonon polaritons coupling, Nano Letters, 2019-11, 19(11), 8082-8088. 投稿年IF:11.238

[3] Kezhang Shi#, Zhaoyang Chen, Yuxin Xing, Jianxin Yang, Xinan Xu, Julian Evans, Sailing He*, Near-field radiative heat transfer modulation with an ultrahigh dynamic range through mode mismatching, Nano Letters, 2022-10, 22(19), 7753-7760. 投稿年IF:10.8

[4] Kezhang Shi#, Yuxin Xing, Yuwei Sun, Nan He, Tingbiao Guo, Sailing He*, Thermal vertical emitter of ultra-high directionality achieved through nonreciprocal magneto-optical lattice resonances, Advanced Optical Materials, 2022-10, 10(24), 2201732. 投稿年IF:9

[5] Kezhang Shi#*, Yuwei Sun, Run Hu, Sailing He*, Ultra-broadband and wide-angle nonreciprocal thermal emitter based on Weyl semimetal metamaterials, Nanophotonics, 2024-3, 13(5), 737-747. 投稿年IF:7.5 ESI高被引)

[6] Jianshu Wang, Kezhang Shi*, Xiaobo Xing*, Nonreciprocal wide-angle and narrowband thermal emitter, Materials Today Physics, 2024-8, 46, 101515. 投稿IF:10

[7] Yan Deng, Kezhang Shi*, Fanglin Bao, Mauro Antezza, Julian Evans, and Sailing He*, Ultrahigh Thermal Rectification at Small Temperature Difference Achieved by Near-field Thermal Photon Manipulation, Advanced Optical Materials, 2024 (Accepted) : 10.1002/adom.202401633. 投稿IF:9 

[8] Yuwei Sun, Zhipeng Hu, Kezhang Shi, Tingbiao Guo, Yuxin Xing, Yi Jin*, Sailing He*, Enhancing circularly polarized emission by a planar chiral dielectric metasurface, Advanced Optical Materials, 2023-7, 11 (14), 2300197. 投稿年IF:9

[9] Jihong Zhang#, Kezhang Shi#, Lu Lu, Dudong Feng, Haotuo Liu, Xiaohu Wu*, Experiments on near-field radiative heat transfer: a review, Clean Energy Science and Technology, 2023, 1(1).

[10] Kezhang Shi#, Fanglin Bao, Sailing He*, Enhanced Near-Field Thermal Radiation Based on Multilayer Graphene-hBN Heterostructures, ACS Photonics 4, 971-978 (2017). 被引≥164

[11] Kezhang Shi#, Ran Liao, Guanjun Cao, Fanglin Bao, Sailing He*, Enhancing thermal radiation by graphene-assisted hBN/SiO2 hybrid structures at the nanoscale, Optics Express 26 (10), A591-A601 (2018). 被引34

[12] Kezhang Shi#, Fanglin Bao, Nan He, Sailing He*, Near-field heat transfer between graphene-Si grating heterostructures with multiple magnetic-polaritons coupling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 134, 1119-1126, (2019). 被引≥31

[13] Fanglin Bao, Kezhang Shi, Guanjun Cao, Julian Evans, Sailing He*, Inhomogeneity-induced Casimir transport of nanoparticles, Physical Review Letters 121 (13), 130401 (2018).

3. 发明专利

[1] 一种纳米级别近场热辐射高精度测量装置及测量方法,发明专利,中国专利号:ZL201911029275.72021.02.19

[2] 基于变间距近场热辐射效应的辐射热整流器件及设计方法,发明专利,中国,浙江大学宁波“五位一体”校区教育发展中心,专利申请号:202410380617.4

[3] 一种基于介质共振腔周期结构的窄带广角非互易热辐射器,发明专利,中国,浙江大学宁波“五位一体”校区教育发展中心,专利申请号:202410380606.6

4. 成果奖项

[1] 2024年PIERS国际学术会议“Session Organizer Award”

[2] 第六届“研材微纳杯”优秀论文青椒奖;

5. 学术任职及国内、外学术会议主题报告、特邀报告等情况

[1] 国际学术期刊《Carbon Neutrality》青年编委;

[2] Nature CommunicationsNanophotonics等学术期刊审稿人

[3] 2024PIERS国际学术会议分会主席Thermal Radiation: Principles, Progress, and Potentials

[4] 2025PIERS国际学术会议分会主席Thermal Radiation: Principles, Progress, and Potentials

[5] 2024热物理多尺度模拟(The International Symposium on Multiscale Simulations of Thermophysics)国际学术会议分会主席:Thermal Radiation

[6] Invited talk entitled “Functional Nonreciprocal Thermal Radiation Based on Magneto-optical, Phase-change Materials, and Beyond” at Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2025 in Abu Dhabi, UAE, May 4-9, 2025.(国际学术会议邀请报告)

[7] Invited talk entitled “Nonreciprocal Thermal Radiation Based on Magneto-optical Lattice Resonances and Coupled Brewster Modes”at Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2024 in Chengdu, China, April 21-25, 2024.(国际学术会议邀请报告)

[8] Invited talk entitled “Enhancement and Modulation of Near-field Radiative Heat Transfer through Graphene-based Heterostructures” at Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic, July 3-6, 2023.(国际学术会议邀请报告)

[9] Invited talk entitled “Graphene heterostructures and micro/nanostructures for thermal radiation modulation” at Energy-X lecture series, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, March 25, 2023. (国内邀请报告)

[10] Invited talk entitled “Optimized Colossal Near-Field Thermal Radiation Enabled by Manipulating Coupled Plasmon Polariton Geometry” at Harbin Institute of Technology,  Nov 10, 2021.(国内邀请报告)

[11] 第三届热辐射研讨会,“磁光共振模式诱导的非互易热辐射及其功能性研究”,2024.7.13,河南新乡(邀请报告

[12] 第二届热辐射研讨会“石墨烯异质结与微纳结构的热辐射调控研究”,2023.6.12,山东济南(邀请报告

[13] 第一届热辐射研讨会,表面共振模式耦合的近场热辐射增强2021.7.22,山东济南(邀请报告)

[14] 第三届全国超材料大会,“Nonreciprocal thermal emitter based on magneto-optical lattice resonances and Brewster modes”2024.5.12,浙江乌镇(光学超材料分会场邀请报告

[15] 第三届全国超材料大会,“Near-field radiative heat transfer and high-efficiency thermal   rectification through graphene heterostructures”2024.5.11,浙江乌镇(热学超构材料分会场邀请报告)

[16] 2024科技城光子技术前沿大会,基于石墨烯异质结构的近场热光子调控与增强研究2024.8.3,四川绵阳(邀请报告)
