




1. 项目研究

 项目负责人,国家自然科学基金项目(51306160):直膨式多空间降温除湿的双重耦合作用机理研究, 25万, 2014.01-2016.12


项目负责人,国家自然科学基金项目(51976181): 电动汽车一体式热泵热管理系统稳定控制机理研究,72万, 2020.01-2023.12 
 项目负责人,教育部博士点新教师基金 (20130101120144): 新型微尺度肋片表面排水性能以及对空调除湿能力影响的研究, 4万, 2014.01-2016.12

项目负责人,浙江省自然科学基金 (LY17E060002): 直膨式空调温湿度软解耦及自寻优变频调控机理研究, 8万, 2017.01-2019.12

 项目负责人,浙江大学优秀青年教师资助计划(紫金计划),15万, 2013.01-2014.12,已结题

















项目参与,    环保新制冷剂高效节能变频一拖多空调器的研究 

Journal Paper (*indicates the corresponding author)
1. XG Xu, CW Leung, MY Chan and SM Deng* (2007). Condensate retention on a Louver-Fin-and-Tube air cooling coil. International Journal of Refrigeration, 30(3): 409-417.
Discipline: Mechanical engineering. Impact Factor: 2.779
2. XG Xu, SM Deng* and MY Chan (2008). A new control algorithm for direct expansion air conditioning systems for improved indoor humidity control and energy efficiency. Energy Conversion and Management, 49(4): 578-586.
 Discipline: Energy and fuels. Impact Factor: 5.589
3. XG Xu, L Xia, MY Chan and SM Deng* (2008). A modified McQuiston model for evaluating efficiency of wet fin considering effect of condensate film moving on fin surface. Energy Conversion and Management, 49(8): 2403-2408.
Discipline: Energy and fuels. Impact Factor: 5.589
4. YM Chen, SM Deng*, XG Xu, and MY Chan (2008). A study on the operational stability of a refrigeration system having a variable speed compressor. International Journal of Refrigeration, 31(8): 1368-1374.
Discipline: Mechanical engineering. Impact Factor: 2.779
5. L Xia, MY Chan, SM Deng* and XG Xu (2009). A modified logarithmic mean enthalpy difference (LMED) method for evaluating the total heat transfer rate of a wet cooling coil under both unit and non-unit Lewis Factors. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 48(11): 2159-2164.
Discipline: Mechanical engineering. Impact Factor: 3.615
6. MY Chan*, SM Deng and XG Xu (2009). Residential indoor humidity control in tropics and sub-tropics. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 30(2): 169-173.
Discipline: Construction & Building Technology. Impact Factor: 0.67
7. L Xia, MY Chan, SM Deng* and XG Xu (2009). Dehumidification effects in the superheated region (SPR) of a direct expansion (DX) air cooling coil. Energy Conversion and Management, 50(12): 3063-3070.
Discipline: Energy and fuels. Impact Factor: 5.589
8. XG Xu, KY Sit, SM Deng and MY Chan* (2010). Thermal comfort in an office with intermittent air-conditioning operation. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 31(1): 91-99.
 Discipline: Construction & Building Technology. Impact Factor: 0.67
9. L Xia, MY Chan, SM Deng* and XG Xu (2010). Analytical solutions for evaluating the thermal performances of wet air cooling coils under both unit and non-unit Lewis Factors. Energy Conversion and Management, 51(10): 2079-2086.
 Discipline: Energy and fuels. Impact Factor: 5.589
10. Q Qi, SM Deng*, XG Xu and MY Chan (2010). Improving degree of superheat control in a direct expansion air conditioning system having a variable speed compressor and a variable speed supply fan. International Journal of Refrigeration, 33(1): 125-134.
Discipline: Mechanical engineering. Impact Factor: 2.779
11. XG Xu, L Xia, MY Chan and SM Deng* (2010). Inherent correlation between the total output cooling capacity and equipment sensible heat ratio of a direct expansion air conditioning system under variable-speed operation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 30(13): 1601-1607.
 Discipline: Mechanical engineering. Impact Factor: 3.356
12. DM Pan, MY Chan, SM Deng*, L Xia and XG Xu (2011). Numerical study on the micro-climate around a sleeping person and the related thermal neutrality issues. Ergonomics, 54(11):1088-1100
  Discipline: Ergonomics。 Impact Factor: 1.818
13. L Xia*, MY Chan, ML Qu, XG Xu and SM Deng (2011). A fundamental study on the optimal/near optimal shape of a network for energy distribution. Energy, 36(11): 6471-6478
 Discipline: Energy and fuels. Impact Factor: 4.520
14. Y. Pan, X.G. Xu, L. Xia and S.M. Deng* (2012), A modeling study on the effects of refrigerant pipe length on the operational performance of a dual−evaporator air conditioning system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 39 (2012):15-25
 Discipline: Mechanical engineering. Impact Factor: 3.356
15. N Li, L Xia*, SM Deng, XG Xu and MY Chan (2012). Steady-state operating performance modeling and prediction for a direct expansion air conditioning system using artificial neural network. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 33 (3):281-292
 Discipline: Construction & Building Technology. Impact Factor: 0.67
16. N Li, L Xia, SM Deng*, XG Xu and MY Chan (2012). Dynamic modeling and control of a direct expansion air conditioning system using artificial neural network. Applied Energy, 91(1): 290-300
 Discipline: Energy and fuels. Impact Factor: 7.182
17. DM Pan, MY Chan, L Xia, XG Xu and SM Deng* (2012). Performance evaluation of a novel bed-based task/ambient conditioning (TAC) system. Energy and Buildings, 44(1): 54-62
 Discipline: Energy and fuels. Impact Factor: 4.067
18. X.G. Xu*, Y. Pan, S.M. Deng, L. Xia and M.Y. Chan (2013), Experimental study of a novel capacity control algorithm for a multi-evaporator air conditioning system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 50(1):975-984
 DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2012.08.007
 Discipline: Mechanical engineering. Impact Factor: 3.356
19. X.G. Xu*, S. Chao, S.M. Deng (2013), Using two parallel connected compressors to implement a novel control algorithm for improved indoor humidity at a low cost, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 34(August):349-354
 DOI: 10.1177/0143624412446092
 Discipline: Construction & Building Technology. Impact Factor: 0.67
20. Ning Li, Liang Xia, Deng Shiming*, Xiangguo Xu and Ming-Yin Chan (2013), On-line adaptive control of a direct expansion air conditioning system using artificial neural network, Applied Thermal Engineering, 53(1):96-107
 Discipline: Mechanical engineering. Impact Factor: 3.356
21. X. Han, N. Li, K. Wu, Z. Wang, L. Tang, G. Chen, X. Xu* (2013), The influence of working gas characteristics on energy seperation of vortex tube, Applied Thermal Engineering, November, 61(2): 171-177
 Discipline: Mechanical engineering. Impact Factor: 3.356
22. X.G. Xu, S.M. Deng, X.H. Han, X.J. Zhang* (2014), A novel hybrid steady-state model based controller for simultaneous indoor air temperature and humidity control, Energy and Buildings, 68:593-602
 Discipline: Energy & Fuels. Impact Factor: 4.067
23. X.G. Xu, S.M. Deng, X.H. Han, X.J. Zhang* (2014), A control oriented semi-physical model for a direct expansion air conditioning system, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 35(6): 585-599
 Discipline: Construction & Building Technology. Impact Factor: 0.67
24. Z. Li, X.G. Xu*,  S.M. Deng, D.M. Dong (2014), Further Study on the Inherent Operating Characteristics of a Variable Speed Direct Expansion Air Conditioning System, Applied Thermal Engineering, 66:206-215
 Discipline: Mechanical engineering. Impact Factor: 3.356
25. X.H. Han, X.R. Yuan, Z.Z. Xu, X.H. Wang, G.M. Chen, X.G. Xu*(2014), Research on Compatibility between Ethyl Fluoride with/without Lubricant Oils, and Plastics and Elastomers, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53 (38):14650–14658
 Discipline: ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL  . Impact Factor: 2.843
26. J.H. Zhu, Q.M. Yang*, X.G. Xu, J.G. Lu (2014), A LPV Model-based Chilled Water Temperature Controller for HVAC Systems, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 36(3):368-385
 Discipline: Construction & Building Technology. Impact Factor: 0.67
27. Q. Wang, B. Ren, Z.Y. Zhen, W. He, Y.Q. Liu, X.G. Xu*, G.M. Chen (2015), Development of a novel indirect-expansion solar-assisted multifunctional heat pump with four heat exchangers, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology,36(4):469-481
 Discipline: Construction & Building Technology. Impact Factor: 0.67
28. Z. Li, X.G. Xu*, S.M. Deng, D.M. Pan (2015), A novel neural network aided fuzzy logic controller for a variable speed (VS) direct expansion (DX) air conditioning (A/C) system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 78:9-23
 Discipline: Mechanical engineering. Impact Factor: 3.356
29. B.C. Ye, J. Liu, X.G. Xu, G.M. Chen*,J. Zhen (2015), A new open absorption heat pump for latent heat recovery from moist gas, Energy Conversion and Management, 94:438-446.
 Discipline: Energy and fuels. Impact Factor: 5.589

30. Z Li, XG Xu*, SM Deng and DM Pan (2015). A novel Proportional-Derivative (PD) controller based on fuzzy logic principles for simultaneously controlling indoor temperature and humidity using a direct expansion (DX) air conditioning (A/C) system.  International Journal of Refrigeration, 57:239-256
Discipline: Mechanical engineering. Impact Factor: 2.779
31. Q.M. Yang, J.H. Zhu, X.G.Xu*, J.G.Lu (2016), Simultaneous control of indoor air temperature and humidity for a chilled water based air conditioning system using neural networks. Energy and Buildings, 110:159-169
 Discipline: Energy & Fuels. Impact Factor: 4.067

32. X.H. Han, W.H. Wang, H.C. Zhen, X.G.Xu*, G.M. Chen (2016), Review of the Development of Pulsating Heat Pipe for heat dissipation. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 59:692-709
 Discipline: Energy & Fuels. Impact Factor: 8.050

33. X.G. Xu*, Y.S. Li, S.Y. Yang, G.M. Chen (2017), A review of fishing vessel refrigeration systems driven by exhaust heat from engines. Applied Energy, 2017,  203:657-676
  Discipline: Energy and fuels. Impact Factor: 7.182

34. M.J. Song, X.G. Xu, N. Mao*, S.M. Deng, Y.J. Xu (2017), Energy transfer procession in an air source heat pump unit during defrosting. Applied Energy, 2017, 204:679-689
  Discipline: Energy and fuels. Impact Factor: 7.182

35. X.G. Xu*, Z.Y. Huang, X.F. Wang, Z.W. Zhong, X.B. Zhang (2017), A Control-oriented hybrid model for a direct expansion air conditioning system. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 155:76-87
 Discipline: Energy & Fuels. Impact Factor: 4.067

36.H.X. Yan, Y.D. Xia, X.G. Xu*, S.M. Deng (2017), Inherent operational characteristics aided fuzzy logic controller for a variable speed direct expansion air conditioning system for simultaneous indoor air temperature and humidity control, Energy and Buildings, 2018, 158:558-568
 Discipline: Energy & Fuels. Impact Factor: 4.067

37. X.G.Xu, Z.W. Zhong, S.M. Deng, X.B. Zhang (2018), A review on temperature and humidity control methods focusing on air-conditioning equipment and control algorithms applied in small-to-medium-sized buildings, Energy and Buildings, 2018, 162:163-176
 Discipline: Energy & Fuels. Impact Factor: 4.067

38.X.G. Xu*, Z.H. Huang, X.B. Zhang, Z. Li (2018), A novel humidity measuring method based on dry-bulb temperatures using artificial neural network, Building and Environment, 2018, 139: 181-188

 Discipline: Construction & Building Technology. Impact Factor: 4.053

39. S.K. Wang, Y.L. Liu, Y. CHen, Q. Wang, X.G. Xu*, G.M. Chen, S.M. Deng, Experimental investigations on the temperature lift performance of a novel diffusion absorption heat transformer, Energy, 2019, 170: 906-914

40. Han Xiaohong, Wang Yanzhi, Yang Zhangzhang, Fang Yibo, Huang Jiongliang, Xu Xiangguo, Chen Guangm ing, Investigation on Vapor Liquid Equilibrium of (Argon plus Methane) at the Temperature Range of (95 to 135) K, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA, 2018, 63(9):3382-3390

41. S.K. Wang, Z.K. Guo, X.H. Han, X.G. Xu, Q. Wang, S.M. Deng, G.M. Chen,  Experimental evaluation on low GWP HFO-1336mzz-Z as an alternative to HCFC-123 and HFC-245fa, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2019, 11(3):031009

42. Zhang Shaozhi, Niu Xiao, Huang Gengsheng, Chen Guangming, Xu Xiangguo*, Vapor pressure above glassy trehalose solution and the effects of ageing, CryoLetters, 2019,  40 (4): 247-256

43. Shaozhi ZHANG, Xiao NIU, Yang LI, Guangming CHEN, Xiangguo XU*, Numerical simulation and experimental research on heat transfer and flow resistance characteristics of asymmetric plate heat exchangers, Front. Energy, 2020, 14(2): 267-282

44. Xiaobo Zhang, Xiangguo Xu*, An online model for predicting dynamic response of a packed liquid desiccant dehumidifier, Energy and Buildings, 2020, 224:110210

45. Xiangguo Xu*, Zhiqiang Fang, Zhiqiang Wang, Climatic Division Based on Frosting Characteristics of Air Source Heat Pumps, Energy and Buildings, 2020, 224:110219

46. Qin Wang, Yilun Liu, Jielin Luo, Shikuan Wang, Jingxuan Tang, Xiangguo Xu*, Guangming Chen, Theoretical investigations on the cycle performance of a single-pressure diffusion absorption heat transformer with LiBr-H2O-R134a-TEGDME, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 277:123303

47. Xiaobo Zhang, Yuxian Zhu, Xiangguo Xu*, Xiaosheng Ji, Dynamic operational characteristics and preliminary control method of a packed liquid desiccant dehumidifier, Energy and Buildings, 2020, 248:111185

48. Zhangqing Liu, Zhiqiang Wang, Xiangguo Xu*, Novel climatic division methods for improving the design of HVAC systems, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 323:129160

49.Pengfei Zhang, Xiangguo Xu,Yongjun Hu, Yuqi Huang*, Effects of the outlet pressure on two-phase slug flow distribution uniformity in a multi-branch microchannel, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering), 2022, 23(1):68-82.

50. Xiaobo Zhang, Xiangguo Xu*, Yuxian Zhu, An improved time delay neural network model for predicting dynamic performance of a packed liquid desiccant dehumidifier, International Journal of Thermal Science, 2022, 177:107548

51. Junqiang Shao, Ziwen Zhong, Xiangguo Xu*, Investigation on weights setting rule for weights-based fuzzy logic control algorithm utilized in direct expansion air-conditioning systems, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2022, 138:71-83

52. Ziwen Zhong, Wei Ma, Shuhuai Yao, Xiangguo Xu, Jianlei Niu*, Enhancing the cooling capacity of radiant ceiling panels by latent heat transfer of superhydrophobic surfaces,Energy and Buildings, 2022, 263:112036

53. Xiaobo Zhang, Xiangguo Xu*, Xinyue Ma, Development of a new control method for the dynamic liquid desiccant dehumidification process, Energy and Buildings, 2022, 269:112239

54. Junqiang Shao, Zhiyuan Huang, Yugui Chen, Depeng Li, Xiangguo Xu*, A practical application-oriented model predictive control algorithm for direct expansion (DX) air-conditioning (A/C) systems that balances thermal comfort and energy consumption, Energy, 2023, 269:126748

55. Xiangguo Xu, Zhe Zhang, Jiawei Yuan, Junqiang Shao*, Design and multi-objective comprehensive evaluation analysis of PV-WT-BG-Battery hybrid renewable energy systems in urban communities, Energy Conversion and Management:X, 2023, 18:100357

56. Ziwen Zhong, Wei Ma, Shuhuai Yao, Jianlei Niu*, Xiangguo Xu, Condensation heat transfer between a vertical superhydrophobic aluminum surface and moist air under natural convection, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 229:120591

57. Zhuoxun Liu, Xiangguo Xu*, An analogous carrier-based implementation of virtual space vector modulation with low common-mode voltage and neutral-point voltage oscillation elimination for three-level NPC inverter, IEP Power Electronics, 2023, DOI:10.1049/pel2.12559

58. Xiaobo Zhang, Xiangguo Xu*, Duu-Jong Lee*, A dynamic model of the packed dehumidifier, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 429:139608

59. Xiangguo Xu, Zhangqin Liu, Wei Li, Zhijiang Zhu, Ming Yan, Ping Li*, Comprehensive and quantitative evaluation for selecting a suitable scheme of central air-conditioning during the design phase, Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 82:108245

60. Qifeng Fan, Xiangguo Xu, Shanxuan Tang*, Pu Liu, data-driven framework for thermal comfort assessment method based on user interaction, Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 82:108294 

61. Yulin Zheng, Xiangguo Xu*, Predicting indoor 3D airflow distribution using artificial neural networks with two different architectures, Energy and Buildings, 2024, 303:113841

62. Ning Xu, Chongyang Ye, Yongjun Hu, Junqiang Shao, Xiangguo Xu*, Youbin Lin, Jianjian Wei, Decoupling Control of an Integrated Direct Cooling Thermal Management System for Electric Vehicles, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2024, In press



1. 杨申音,王勤,唐黎明,徐象国*,陈光明,姚玉平,王飞,常规空调热泵系统的R32替代研究述评,制冷学报,2013,第34卷,第6期,59-68 (核心期刊)
 2. 林玮,杨申音,陈光明,王勤,徐象国*,船舶摇摆振动对传热和制冷系统的影响研究述评,制冷学报,2014,第35卷,第3期,8-15   (核心期刊)
 3. 王勤,何巍,王世宽,郝楠,徐象国*,陈光明,徐璐,陈达,R134a-DMF溶液气泡泵输送性能实验研究,工程热物理学报,2014,第6期,1053-1057 (EI,核心期刊)
 4. 王勤,任彬,王辉,宋琦,徐象国*,陈光明,精馏型自复叠小型天然气液化系统配比优化,化工学报,2014,第65卷,第S2期,169-174(EI,核心期刊)
 5. 袁晓蓉,高赞军,王学会,徐象国,陈光明,韩晓红, 一种适用于低沸点混合制冷剂粘度测量装置的研制, 制冷学报,2014, 第35卷,第5期 ,1-6 (核心期刊)
 6. 韩晓红*,管文洁,高赞军,崔晓龙,徐象国,陈光明,汽液相平衡计算混合法则中协体积项b的改进,化工学报,2015,第66卷,第2期,489-496(EI,核心期刊)
 7. 王勤,王世宽,贺伟,刘玉迁,徐象国,韩晓红*,陈光明,新型四换热器流程太阳能辅助多功能热泵实验研究,工程热物理学报,2015,第36卷,第1期,26-31 (EI,核心期刊)
 8. 徐象国*,王晓非,钟子文,张晓波,梁灏彬,湿工况下肋片效率计算方法分析、总结与改进,暖通空调,第46卷,第11期,47-56 (核心期刊)
 9. 宋琦,乐生健,吕东杰,王辉,徐象国,王勤*,郭智恺,-60℃温区精馏型自复叠制冷系统R41替代 R23的理论与实验,化工学报,2016,第67卷,第S2期,304-310 (EI,核心期刊))
10. 徐象国*,詹思成,梁灏彬,王晓非,钟子文,空调换热器表面排水性能计算模型、整体影响及改进方法综述,机械工程学报,2017,第53卷,第4期,122-133 (EI,核心期刊)
12. 徐象国*,詹思成,梁灏彬,新型微小尺度肋片的表面排水性能研究,中国科技论文,2017,12(23),2641-2650 (核心期刊)
13. 潘冬梅,徐象国*,王怡琳,王立民,邵俊强,高大空间气流组织模拟——文献综述,暖通空调,2018,48(1),131- 138 (核心期刊) 
14. 张晓波,徐象国*,多目标约束下半导体制冷片几何结构参数的优化设计研究,制冷学报,2018,39(3),22-30(核心期刊)
15. 王曼伊,王立民,王志强,王怡琳,徐象国*,面向建筑能耗模拟的高校图书馆人员作息研究,暖通空调,2018,49(1),52-56 (核心期刊)
16. 李逸姝,魏健健,徐象国*,张晓波,新型辐射供冷末端装置的开发与数值模拟研究,制冷技术,2018,37(6),55-61 (核心遴选期刊
17.  徐芸青,王志强,王立民,徐象国*,王曼伊,湿度对建筑空调系统设计及运行影响探讨,暖通空调,2018,已收录(核心期刊)
18. 夏宇栋,钟子文,纪晓声*,徐象国,多功能直膨空调系统控制实验平台开发与应用,实验技术与管理 ,2018,35(7),95-103
19. 张荔喆,张学军,徐象国*,赵阳,范誉斌,余萌,张小斌,基于TRNSYS17的表冷器水侧入口参数寻优研究,制冷与空调,2018, 18(12):29-36
20.  包康丽,杨泽科,方一波,乔晓刚,韩晓红,徐象国*,陈光明,倾斜角对金属泡沫脉动热管传热性能研究,工程热物理学报,2019, 40(8):1724-1728
21 .黄志远,徐象国*,邵俊强,家用空调节能控制算法综述,家电科技,2019,05:58-61
22. 方志强,王志强,魏晋,铃木秀明,小川贵生,徐象国*,基于实际运行数据的不同气候区冬季空气源热泵结霜特征分析,制冷学报,2020,41(3):71-77

23. 徐象国*,尹志鑫,使用高分辨率网络在热红外图像上提取人脸关键区域温度,家电科技,2021,6:28-33

24. 张靖鹏,叶志鸣,包康丽,余鹏,徐象国*,何业洪,王勤, 改进型食品蒸箱蒸汽发生器性能模拟及实验研究,家电科技,2022,1:16-21 

25.  邵俊强,郑雨霖,车铭江,师雅博,张晓波,尹志鑫,高能,柳张清,吴中越,徐象国。人工智能技术在家用空调节能减排领域的应用,制冷学报,2023,收录待刊 

 Conference Paper
 1. XG Xu, MY Chan and SM Deng (2009). A new viewpoint to studying the condensate retention and drainage process on air cooling coil. Proceedings of HT2009, 2009 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 19-23, 2009, San Francisco, California USA. 1:657-665(EI)
2. XG Xu, SM Deng, and MY Chan (2009). Using High-low capacity compressor to execute a simple novel control algorithm for direct expansion (DX) air conditioning (A/C) system. Proceedings of XIII European Conference of Latest Technologies in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, June, 2009, Milan, Italy.
3. XG Xu, SM Deng, CF Tang and MY Chan (2011). Pre-conditioning ventilation air using indirect evaporative cooling based on heat pipe technology. Proceedings of The 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, August, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. 23:106-113
4. XG Xu and SM Deng (2012). A novel rule set establishment method for a PID-type fuzzy logic controller in HVAC system. Accepted by 2nd Asian-US-European Thermophysics Conference, January, 2012, Hong Kong
5. N Li, L Xia, SM Deng, XG Xu and MY Chan (2012). Development Of an On-line Adaptive ANN-based Controller for a Direct Expansion Air Conditioning System. 14th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, July, 2012, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
6. M.J. Song, X.G. Xu and S.M. Deng (2014). An experimental study on defrosting performance during reverse cycle defrosting of an air source heat pump with a horizontal three-circuit outdoor coil. the 6th International Conference on Applied Energy, May 30-June 2, 2014, Taiwan ( Energy Procedia  61 92-95)
7.Z Li, XG Xu, SM Deng and DM Pan (2014). A PD Law Based Fuzzy Logic Control Strategy for Simultaneous Control of Indoor Temperature and Humidity Using A Variable Speed Direct Expansion Air Conditioner, 15th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, July 14-17, 2014
8. X.F. Wang, X.G. Xu (2015), A CONTROL-ORIENTED HYBRID MODEL FOR A DIRECT EXPANSION AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM, The 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, August 16-22, 2015, Yokohama, Japan
9. Z.W. Zhong, X.G. Xu, X.B Zhang, Z.Y. Huang (2017), Simulation Based Control Performance Evaluation of a Novel Fuzzy Logic Control Algorithm for Simultaneously Controlling Indoor Air Temperature and Humidity Using a Direct Expansion (DX) Airconditioning (A/C) System, 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, ISHVAC2017, 19-22 October 2017, Jinan, China. Procedia Engineering 205:1792-1799 (EI)

10. 王志强,徐象国 (2018),针对空调系统设计的气候区域性特征研究,第十四届全国电冰箱(柜)、空调器及压缩机学术年会,2018年8月9-11日,青岛,会议优秀论文三等奖

11. Wang Zhiqiang, Xu Xiangguo (2018), Climate division in China for the design of HVAC systems based on the load sensible heat ratio, ACRA 2018 - 9th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, June 11-13, 2018, Sapporo, Japan (EI)

12.  Huang Zhiyuan, Xu Xiangguo (2018), Research on the Influence of Geometric Structure of an Evaporator on the Operational Performance of an Air-conditioning System, ACRA 2018 - 9th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, June 11-13, 2018, Sapporo, Japan (EI)

13.Wang Manyi, Xu Xiangguo (2018), HVAC control oriented occupancy prediction methods comparison, ACRA 2018 - 9th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, June 11-13, 2018, Sapporo, Japan (EI)  



2022 佛山市高新技术进步奖三等奖 (2/8)

2022 广东省轻工业联合会科学技术进步奖三等奖 (2/8)

2022 中国制冷学会节能与生态环境技术

2023 中国轻工业联合会科学技术进步奖三等奖 (2/6)

2024 中国轻工业联合会科学技术进步奖一等奖(3/10)

2024 中国产学研合作创新与促进奖(优秀奖)(2/10)


2017 能源工程学院青年教师教学竞赛优胜奖

2017 浙江大学青年教师教学竞赛二等奖

2017 浙江大学奖教金

2019 浙江省第十一届高等学校青年教师教学竞赛工科组一等奖

2021 浙江大学教学成果奖一等奖(本科生, 4/10)

2021 浙江大学教学成果奖二等奖(研究生,14/15)

2021 浙江大学第一届高校教师教学创新大赛二等奖

2023 浙江大学第四届高校教师教学创新大赛一等奖

2024 浙江省第四届高校教师教学创新大赛特等奖


香港政府优秀博士后奖学金 2010-2012








2013 第五届国际低温与制冷会议(ICCR2013)分会场主席

2017 第九届全国制冷与暖通空调学科教学与学术会议大会报告

2017 第十三届全国电冰箱(柜)、空调器及压缩机学术交流大会 大会报告




2018 第十四届全国电冰箱(柜)、空调器及压缩机学术交流大会 大会报告

2018 中国整车热管理技术年会 大会报告

2020 第十一届全国高等院校制冷及暖通空调学科发展与教学研讨会主题报告


2013 第六届节能减排大赛 生活用水再利用空调系统 校级二等奖

2014 第七届节能减排大赛 基于人体热舒适的自适应空调控制系统 全国二等奖

2015 第八届节能减排大赛 Heat Remover 红外搬运工 (反射式辐射制冷系统) 全国一等奖

                                          新型能源回收自清洁高层建筑垃圾输送管道  校级二等奖 

2019 第五届大学生“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛浙江省赛金奖(指导教师)

2020 浙江省第十二届“挑战杯*宁波江北”大学生创业计划竞赛一等奖(指导教师)


1. ZL 200810005126.2       直膨式空调及其系统和控制方法

2. 201410038997X          基于权重规则表的PID型模糊逻辑控制方法

3. 2015103155761          一种动态自适应空调控制系统

4. 2015105407324           一种能源回收自清洁的垃圾输送系统   

5. 201510460237.2          反射式辐射供冷系统   

6. 201820869491.7          一种无水垢蒸汽发生器 (实用新型)

7. 201820868610.7          一种基于大面积传热的高效蒸汽发生器(实用新型)

8. 201820869047.7          一种基于管内扰动的高效蒸汽发生器(实用新型)

9. ZL2017100564807         一种精馏型自复叠低温冷凝的油气分离系统

10. ZL2017100564830        一种带冷量回收的精馏型自复叠低温冷凝油气分离系统

11. ZL201410131446.8        一种用于汽车空调的环保型制冷剂及其制备方法

12. ZL201610889811.0        一种辐射供冷厨房空调和集成厨具

13. 201921034920X          一种膜蒸馏纯净水制备系统(实用新型)

14. 2019106003472          一种喷射器驱动的膜蒸馏纯净水制备系统(实用新型)

15. 201921202987X          一种开式主动制冷的冷链物流箱(实用新型)

16. 2019212034929          一种可适应极端工况的主动制冷式冷链物流箱(实用新型)

17. 202021122594.0          一种纯电动汽车用的一体式热泵管理系统、纯电动汽车

18. 202022515955.4          一种制冷系统

19. 202110690185.3          一种变频空调器控制方法
